The Chinese tortoise
The appearance of the Chinese tortoise looks very similar to that of the Chinese tortoise , so the Chinese tortoise is also called the Taiwan tortoise. The carapace of the Chinese painted turtle also has three edges. The shape of the carapace tends to be oval, and the head has many patterns, just like a loofah.
1. Appearance characteristics of the Chinese flowered turtle
Chinese flowered turtle The carapace is 20 cm long and 16 cm wide. There are bright green and black stripes on the skin of the head, neck, hands and feet of the Chinese turtle. The head of the turtle is smaller, the top and back parts are smooth and scale-free, the upper beak has fine teeth, and there is a depression in the center. The carapace of the larvae is light gray-green in color and has three prominent ridges. The carapace of adults will turn brown, and two of the ridges on the carapace will gradually disappear. The plastron is brownish-yellow, each scute has a large stain-like patch, and the posterior edge of the plastron is notched. The nail bridge is obvious, and the carapace and ventral carapace are connected by bone sutures. The carapace of Chinese flower is millet-colored and slightly arched, and the trailing edge is not serrated.
2. Identification of male and female Chinese turtles
Female turtles The male turtle is larger, with the cloaca hole located within the rear edge of the carapace; the male turtle is smaller, with a darker carapace, a thicker and longer tail, and the cloaca hole is located outside the rear edge of the carapace. The male's carapace is longer, the rear is narrower, and the anal opening is located farther from the rear edge of the plastron. The female's carapace has a more arched shell, and the anal opening is located closer to the rear edge of the plastron. The Taiwanese striped-necked turtle is quite different from those from other places, but it is not currently recognized as a new subspecies.