Appearance characteristics of bicolor strawberry fish

Shape characteristics of bicolor strawberry fish
Bicolor strawberry fish

The appearance of bicolor strawberry fish is very special. We can see it in the picture of strawberries. Because the bicolor strawberry fish is very territorial, it often fights for territory and fish that are 2-3 times larger than itself.

The juvenile bicolor strawberry fish has a beautiful appearance, a hammer-like body shape, and colorful body colors. Most of them are very similar to damselfish fish in appearance, but there is an obvious difference in that the males and females of this family of fish are obviously different, mainly in body color, which is not as bright as the damselfish fish, and other basic images. Most of the fish in this family are bisexual, male and female.

The body length of the bicolor strawberry fish is 4-5cm, with blue eyes, close to the front of the body. The caudal fin is bright yellow, and the other fins are transparent and colorless. The front half of the fish's body is purple, and the back half is bright yellow. The purple and yellow contrast with each other, making it very beautiful.

